Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Experiences with the Goddess Sekhmet!!!

Since June was a time of sun and heat, I choose Sekhmet for the month of June. As most of you know from  my last post that I went to the beach all last week. I decided to bring a travel altar with me and I included a picture of Sekhmet in there. When I got there with the picture of Sekhmet a heat wave hit and the first thing I thought of is that Sekhmet was with me at that time. Surprisingly every time I took the picture out it got hot outside. Sekhmet defiantly has some serious power but can protect you as well. For more information on Sekhmet click here.  My matron Goddess Aset(Isis) is for the month of July. Blessed Be!!!)o(


Sunday, July 1, 2012


Em Hotep!!
Alright whats been happening for about the past nine days is I have been staying down at the beach because last Wednesday which was the 27 was my Birthday!!! So we stayed for quite some time down by the shore and I couldn't do posts from there but, it was nice. I feel like I really connected with the sea that week. Almost everyday I went to this little sand bar in the middle of the marsh really got to see all the little life swimming and crawling through there. I made me appreciate more of the smaller things in life and I can't wait to go again next year. I got the opportunity to visit the local new age shop which is always fun. So that is what has been  going on for the past week. Senebty!!!