Sunday, June 3, 2012


When I did my tarot card post I had forgotten that I hadn't explain what Divination is. Divination is the art of reading or seeing the future. There are many ways in reading/seeing the future which include the following...

  1. Pendulums
  2. Tarot Cards 
  3. Runes
  4. Scrying( with a black/regular mirror or water) or Crystal Balls
  5. Smoke and Fire
  6. Trees or Wind
  7. Patterns in the dirt
  8. Divination Shells
  9. Animal Behavior 
...those are just some of the many different types of divination. Some people have even their own style of seeing/reading the future. If you have any questions on Divination leave me a comment letting me know. Blessed Be!!. Senebty)o(

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