Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Litha!!!! )o(

Happy Litha or Summer Solstice. Today as well as tomorrow are the celebrated days of the summer solstice. Now the Egyptian tradition for the Summer Solstice or Litha means the eye of Ra, exercising Ra's power over the Dark and blasphemous or could be seen as the battle between Horus(Heru) and Set(Seth). Light over Dark. Now in Celtic/Wiccan tradition is all about the God being in his Sun form in the sky and the Goddess was pregnant with all the crops of the land. Its just about sunset now, what stinks is that I had to stay inside and i was suppose to watch the sunrise but my alarm didn't go off. Sorry That this post took so long because I was finishing up the school year and the Summer has officially started. YAHOOOOOO!!!!! For other Summer Solstice or Litha ideas click here. Blessed Be and have a Happy Summer Solstice!!!!!!!!!


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