Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Experiences with the Goddess Sekhmet!!!

Since June was a time of sun and heat, I choose Sekhmet for the month of June. As most of you know from  my last post that I went to the beach all last week. I decided to bring a travel altar with me and I included a picture of Sekhmet in there. When I got there with the picture of Sekhmet a heat wave hit and the first thing I thought of is that Sekhmet was with me at that time. Surprisingly every time I took the picture out it got hot outside. Sekhmet defiantly has some serious power but can protect you as well. For more information on Sekhmet click here.  My matron Goddess Aset(Isis) is for the month of July. Blessed Be!!!)o(


Sunday, July 1, 2012


Em Hotep!!
Alright whats been happening for about the past nine days is I have been staying down at the beach because last Wednesday which was the 27 was my Birthday!!! So we stayed for quite some time down by the shore and I couldn't do posts from there but, it was nice. I feel like I really connected with the sea that week. Almost everyday I went to this little sand bar in the middle of the marsh really got to see all the little life swimming and crawling through there. I made me appreciate more of the smaller things in life and I can't wait to go again next year. I got the opportunity to visit the local new age shop which is always fun. So that is what has been  going on for the past week. Senebty!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tarot Card Spread #3

This is the Pyramid tarot card spread. Its also great for getting every last detail form your reading as well as find out what you need to focus on .

(Level 1)Cards 1,2,3,4,5- What the person is dealing with now
(Level 2)Cards 6,7,8,9- What the person will be experiencing, in accordance with level 1
(Level 3)Cards 10,11,12-  What is cumming up for the person in the future, after level 2
(Level 4)Cards 13 and 14- What to incorporate with level 3
(level 5)Card 15- Focus and Outcome

Happy Litha!!!! )o(

Happy Litha or Summer Solstice. Today as well as tomorrow are the celebrated days of the summer solstice. Now the Egyptian tradition for the Summer Solstice or Litha means the eye of Ra, exercising Ra's power over the Dark and blasphemous or could be seen as the battle between Horus(Heru) and Set(Seth). Light over Dark. Now in Celtic/Wiccan tradition is all about the God being in his Sun form in the sky and the Goddess was pregnant with all the crops of the land. Its just about sunset now, what stinks is that I had to stay inside and i was suppose to watch the sunrise but my alarm didn't go off. Sorry That this post took so long because I was finishing up the school year and the Summer has officially started. YAHOOOOOO!!!!! For other Summer Solstice or Litha ideas click here. Blessed Be and have a Happy Summer Solstice!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Totem Animals!!!

Totem Animals or spirit animals are symbols/beings of guidance and protection of the person they are meant to guide/protect. They can range from insects to land animals to ocean animals and from different kinds of bird to a sort of mythical creatures. If your not sure what your totem animal is click here for a guided meditation. Basically, what your looking for are animals that have similar characteristics to yourself. My personal totem animal is the Hawk or a Kite(a small bird of pray) which is an animal of Aset(Isis). Good luck in finding your totem animal and Blessed Be!!!)o(


Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Experiences with the Goddess Ma'at!!

Em Hotep!
In the month of May, I have been asking for guidance from the goddess Ma'at. She has really helped me with learning the mistakes from my actions, if you do something good for someone else you will revive it back and what you want is probably not the best for you right now. Since Ma'at is the goddess of justice and balance between good and evil, she has really opened my eyes to what its really like in the balance of justice. I know that the Wiccan law is whatever you put out you get back times three with everything. Ma'at has really made me be more cautious and enforce that rule more. Click here for a video on Ma'at. The month of June is the goddess Sekhemet. Senebty!!!


Tarot Card Spread #2

This is the Ancient 10-Card Tarot Spread which i do when I need a really in depth reading to answer more than one question. This is the layout...

    Card 1. Present Position
    Card 2. Immediate Influence
    Card 3. Goal or Destiny
    Card 4. Distant Past  
    Card 5. Recent Past Event
    Card 6. Future Influence
    Card 7. The Questioner
    Card 8. Environmental Factors
    Card 9. Inner Emotions
    Card 10. Final Result

                                  Happy Reading and Blessed Be!!! )o(


When I did my tarot card post I had forgotten that I hadn't explain what Divination is. Divination is the art of reading or seeing the future. There are many ways in reading/seeing the future which include the following...

  1. Pendulums
  2. Tarot Cards 
  3. Runes
  4. Scrying( with a black/regular mirror or water) or Crystal Balls
  5. Smoke and Fire
  6. Trees or Wind
  7. Patterns in the dirt
  8. Divination Shells
  9. Animal Behavior 
...those are just some of the many different types of divination. Some people have even their own style of seeing/reading the future. If you have any questions on Divination leave me a comment letting me know. Blessed Be!!. Senebty)o(

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tarot Card Spread #1

This tarot card spread is called the Pass Present and Future or the Context Focus and Outcome ( the simple Three Card spread). The one and only way to read this spread is from left to right. The diagram below show what it looks like. If you have any questions please leave a comment letting me and Blessed Be!!!

Tarot Cards!!!

 I am relatively new to tarot cards, currently I am using the Egyptian tarot card deck which I think is absolutely beautiful. I have my older tarot card deck which is the Rider tarot. Anyway, I thought that I would share with you what I know about tarot cards. So I am starting a segment were I'll do post of different tarot card spread and its explanation. When I find a new spreed I'll show it to you all and click here for a video on basic info on tarot cards. Blessed Be!! Senebty )o(

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

God or Goddess of the Month

I have been doing this little project since January and I think Priestess of Aset-Nut or Pagyptsian did something like it but my is a little different. I usually choose the deities based on what is going on in nature as well as in everyday society. Since I fallow an Egyptian or Kemetic path the deities I chose are Egyptian . So the deity that I chose for the month of May is the goddess Ma'at.The reason why I chose Ma'at is because the month of May to me is closure and and getting everything done the right way as well as making sure that everything is fare and square. Here are the deities of each month in case your interested. I'll be doing monthly post on each deity. Blessed Be, Senebty!
February- Hathor
March- Geb
April- Nut
May- Ma'at
June- Sehkmet
July- Isis
August- Ra
Spetember- Thoth
October- Anubis or Bastet
November- Horus
December- Osiris

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!

Em Hotep!

Today is Howard Carter's 138th birthday! For those who don't know who Howard Carter is, he is the man who discovered King Tutankhamen's tomb. If he hadn't discovered Tutankhamen, we probably wouldn't know what we know now about the ancient Egyptians. So Happy 138th Birthday to you Howard Carter!! Senebty.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Your Personal Altar

Now many spiritual practitioners, that are new to this,  have been really confused on how to set up their altar. I'll tell you what any other spiritualist will tell you, there no certain way to set your altar up. What right and true for you may not be right and true for me and whats right and true for me may not be right and true for you. Some people don't even need an altar. Now if you want, here are some possible things that you could have on each side of your altar. Blessed Be!

LEFT: goddess statue and candle, chalice, water bowl, bell, wand, broom and anything associated with the goddess.
CENTER: incense burner, caldron, libation dish, pentacle and anything to do with the union between the goddess and god or spirituality.
RIGHT: god statue and candle, salt bowl, offering dish, athame, boline and anything associated with the god

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My 2012 Super Moon

The Super Moon this year, from were I was, got a little disappointing. Its was cloudy all night and I couldn't get any pictures of the moon. I'm just glad I had fun at my friend's 16th birthday party. Anyway, here are some pictures I have found of previous super moons. Blessed Be!! )o(


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Support Egypt!!!!

A lot of tension has been going on in the middle east as many of you know. Fights in Egypt are getting worse. As those fights rage on their archeological sites are being destroyed. People are going into tombs and throwing around the mummies. These were people once too. Please sign the petition to help save these precious and historical sites. Click here to sign the petition. Senebty!!


The Super Moon!!!

 Em Hotep!!

Tonight, 5/5/12, is the Super Moon!The super moon is the most important moon of the wiccan year. This is the time to do the most important magic or manifest your goals or wishes. The super moon( for those who don't know) is the time when the moon is closest to the earth. In Egyptian practices it would be the the goddess Nut(the sky and moon goddess) is closest to the god Geb(the earth god). Another Egyptian deity is Khonsu who is the ancient moon god, who a lot of people don't recognize anymore. This is a great time to do your esbat ritual and other activities. Just go out tonight and pay your respect to the Goddess. I'll try and post an esbat format sometime this weekend and pictures of the super moon are to fallow,but for know, Blessed Be and have a wonderful SUPER MOON!! )o(

Click here for more news on the 2012 Super Moon.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Finding Your Spiritual Path

Finding your own spiritual path to go by is never an easy process. Although, the process itself should be totally personal and completely by your own choice. No one should ever tell you what to fallow or judge on what you do. It only makes it you. My personal spiritual path is based on a kemetic or Egyptian way but, with traditional Celtic sabats and esbats. More of an outline none of the less. Thank you for visiting and Blessed Be! )o(